
Event Details

Full-Vector Finite Difference Mode Solver for Whispering-Gallery Resonators

Presenter: Serge Vincent
Supervisor: Dr. Tao Lu

Date: Mon, August 17, 2015
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Optical whispering-gallery mode (WGM) cavities, which exhibit extraordinary spatial and temporal confinement of light, are one of the leading transducers for examining molecular recognition at low particle counts. With the advent of hybrid photonic-plasmonic and increasingly sophisticated forms of these resonators, the importance of supporting numerical methods has correspondingly become evident. In this seminar, a full-vector finite difference approximation is adopted in order to solve for WGM's in terms of their field distributions, resonant wavelengths, and quality factors in the context of naturally discontinuous permittivity structure. A segmented Taylor series and alignment/rotation operator are utilized at such singularities in conjunction with arbitrarily spaced grid points.

Simulations for microtoroids, with and without dielectric nanobeads, and plasmonic microdisks are demonstrated for short computation times and shown to be in agreement with data in the literature. Constricted surface plasmon polariton (SPP) WGM's are also featured within this seminar. The module of this work is devised as a keystone for composite WGM models that may guide experiments in the field.