
Event Details

High-Frequency Isolated Dual-bridge Series Resonant DC-to-DC Converters for Capacitor Semi-Active Hybrid Energy Storage System

Presenter: Hao Chen
Supervisor: Dr. Ashoka K.S. Bhat

Date: Mon, July 13, 2015
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 230



A capacitor semi-active hybrid energy storage system for electric vehicle is proposed. A DC-to-DC bi-directional converter is required to couple the supercapacitor to the system DC bus. First, a dual-bridge series resonant converter with capacitive output filter is proposed. Modified gating scheme is applied to the converter instead of the 50% duty cycle gating scheme. Comparing to the 50% duty cycle gating scheme where only four switches work in ZVS, The modified gating scheme allows all eight switches working in ZVS at design point with high load level, and seven switches working in ZVS under other conditions. Next, a dual-bridge LCL-type series resonant converter with capacitive output filter is proposed. Similarly, the modified gating scheme is applied to the converter. This converter shows further improvement in ZVS ability. Operating principles, design examples, simulation results and experimental results of the two newly proposed converters are also presented. In the last part of the thesis, a capacitor semi-active hybrid energy storage system is built to test if the proposed converters are compatible to the system. The dual-bridge LCL-type series resonant converter is placed in parallel to the supercapacitor. The simulation and experimental results of the hybrid energy storage system match closely to the theoretical waveform.