
Event Details

General Near-Field Sources in the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method

Presenter: Mike Potter

Date: Tue, October 23, 2001
Time: 14:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Using the total/scattered field formulation in the FDTD, more general near-field source configurations can be described efficiently by spherical waves. Since transverse properties of spherical modes are known, the behaviour of a mode can be represented on a one-dimensional grid in radius. Thus, much like plane wave sources, spherical modes can be simulated on alternate one-dimensional source grids which can be interpolated and summed to form a source on the equivalent source surface of a 3-dimensional domain. This us to forgo explicitly modeling the source (e.g. antenna), thereby reducing the computational resources required.

The theory and method will be described in some detail, and validating results of increasing complexity compared with analytic solutions will be presented. Issues such as the accuracy, reduction of error, and efficiency will be discussed in the context of future research.

Questions or concerns can be put to,
Mike Potter