
Event Details

Computational Electromagnetics: an Intro to the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Method, and Equivalent and Near-Field Sources

Presenter: Mike Potter

Date: Fri, October 19, 2001
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



The FDTD method ahs been used extensively in electromagnetic field modeling because of its ability to robustly handle interactions of fields with complex heterogenous structures. In particular, the total/scattered field formulation has allowed for efficient implementation of arbitrarily directed uniform plane wave, consequently facilitating efficient modeling of far-field scattering problems. The total/scattered approach is not restricted to plane waves and can be expanded to any waveforms that can be described in analytical or semi-analytical form. One such situation of interest to the utility industry to be modeled is the case of workers in the near-field of high voltage powerlines, where the field is non-uniform.

In this seminar, the fundamentals of the FDTD will be outlined, as well as the theory and implementation of equivalent sources via the total/scattered field formulation using plane waves. Also, some preliminary thesis work to augment the total/scattered field formulation to allow for the near-field line-source configuration will be presented.

Note: Another seminar detailing the thesis work - extension of the method to spherical wave sources - will be presented on the following Tuesday at 2pm.

Questions or concerns can be put to,
Mike Potter