
Event Details

Design and analysis of multi-antenna and multi-user transmitted reference pulse cluster for ultra-wideband communications

Presenter: Congzhi Liu
Supervisor: Dr. Xiaodai Dong

Date: Mon, April 27, 2015
Time: 10:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Antenna diversity for transmitted reference pulse cluster (TRPC) can mitigate the multipath interference and thus greatly improve the BER performance. Different receiver and transmitter diversity schemes have been studied in this thesis, including equal gain combining (EGC), selection combining (SC), delay combining and direct sum. By numerical analysis and simulation, the BER performance of many difference diversity schemes have been compared. For receiver diversity, selection based on simplified log likelihood ratio (SLLR) is the best candicate in terms of implementation complexity and also has the best performance with 2 receivers. For more than 2 receivers, EGC has the best performance at the cost of extra power consumption. For transmitter diversity, selection based on simplified channel quality indicator (SCQI) turns out to be the best choice considering both complexity and performance. In addition, we have also proposed a new multi-user downlink scheme, pulse pattern TRPC, which shows significant performance gain over time division TRPC.