
Event Details

CRT Based Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Over the Integers

Presenter: Ali Alzahrani
Supervisor: Dr. Fayez Gebali

Date: Fri, April 17, 2015
Time: 09:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Over the last decade, the demand for privacy and data confidentiality in communication and storage processes have increased exponentially. Cryptography can be the solution for this demand. However, the critical issue occurs when there is a need for computing publicly on sensitive information or delegating computation to untrusted machines. This must be done in such a way that preserves the information privacy and accessibility. For this reason, we need an encryption algorithm that allows computation on information without revealing details about them. In 1978, researchers raised a crucial question: can we use a special privacy homomorphism to encrypt the data and do an unlimited computations on it while it remains encrypted without the necessity of decrypting it? Researchers made extensive efforts to achieve such encryption algorithm. In this work, we introduce the implementation of the CRT-based somewhat homomorphic encryption over the integers scheme. The main goal is to provide a proof of concept of this new and promising encryption algorithm.