
Event Details

A Cooperative Beam Selection Scheme for Wireless Sensor with RF Energy Harvesting

Presenter: Wei Li
Supervisor: Dr. Hong-Chuan Yang

Date: Tue, November 25, 2014
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



RF energy harvesting is a promising potential solution to provide convenient and perpetual energy supplies to low-power wireless sensor networks. In this report, we investigate the energy harvesting performance of a wireless sensor node powered by harvesting RF energy from an existing MISO system. Specifically, we propose a random unitary beamforming (RUB) based cooperative beam selection scheme to enhance the energy harvesting performance at the sensor. Under a constant total transmission power constraint, the MISO system tries to select a best active beams for data transmission, while satisfying the energy harvesting requirement at the sensor. We derive the exact closed-form expression for the distribution function of harvested energy in a coherence time over Rayleigh fading channels. We further investigate the performance tradeoff of the average harvested energy at the sensor versus the throughput of the MISO system.