
Event Details

Quality Assessment for Secure Online Exam Environment

Presenter: Balvinder Handa
Supervisor: Dr. Issa Traore

Date: Tue, August 26, 2014
Time: 15:00:00 - 16:00:00
Place: EOW 430



A serious threat to the integrity of degrees offered through current e-learning environments is present in the on-line exam process. A student can easily perform the initial authentication or share their password with an expert, and have that expert take an online exam on their behalf without being caught. A secure online exam portal that combines continuous biometric authentication and video-streaming technologies has been developed to counter such threat. In this project we performed quality assessment of this secure online exam portal. Quality is a fundamental concept in the development and maintenance of software and information systems. In this project, we investigate various qualities assessment techniques for evaluating the quality of secure online exam environment. The goal of this project is to develop a series of functional, usability, and security test scenarios to determine how well a specific interface communicates the necessary information to its user and facilitates task completion in a secure manner. A list of recommended changes to the interface was produced from the results of the study.

Keywords: E-learning, Online Exam Monitoring, Continuous Authentication, Biometric technologies, Software Quality