
Event Details

A Game-Theoretic Model of the Confrontation Between Attackers and System Defenders

Presenter: Mohamed Elgamal
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen W. Neville

Date: Fri, August 22, 2014
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



In the previous seminar, the Extended Maurer Model (EMM) has been presented as a formal framework for malware and malware detection modeling. In this seminar, an EMM-based game-theoretic model of the confrontation between attackers and system defenders will be presented. The model is used to explore the evolution of the game over time (i.e., as an iterative sequence of games). The analysis of the sequence of games shows that either the defender can prove that the attackers' next adaptation exists as, at least, a computationally hard problem, or the defender is faced with the problem of needing to track non-stationary attack processes (i.e., past information is no longer informative with respect to the problem of the necessary re-tuning of the deployed defenses).