
Event Details

Patterned single-walled carbon nanotube networks for nanoelectronic devices

Presenter: Yingduo Chen
Supervisor: Dr. Chris Papadopoulos

Date: Fri, August 22, 2014
Time: 14:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 230



Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), with their superior electrical and mechanical properties, have drawn attention from many researchers for potential electronics application. Many SWNT-based electronic device prototypes have been developed including transparent electronics, flexible electronics, transistors and interconnects. In this work, a fabrication method for patterned SWNT networks and devices based on colloidal lithography is presented. This method demonstrates a simple and straight-forward way to fabricate SWNT networks in a controllable manner.

Highly-ordered colloidal monolayers were obtained by drop-casting from solution onto clean substrates. The colloidal monolayer was utilized as a mask for the fabrication of patterned SWNT networks. SWNT networks were shown to be patterned either by depositing SWNT solutions on top of a colloidal monolayer or by depositing SWNT-colloidal mixed aqueous suspension on the substrates. Two-dimensional ordered arrays of SWNT rings and SWNTs interconnecting the SWNT rings were observed in the network structure.

The electrical characteristics of the patterned SWNT networks as thin film transistors were investigated. The on/off ratio of the devices varied from 3 to 105. The highest mobility in the devices measured is ~5 cm2/Vs. The subthreshold slope of the patterned SWNT networks can be as low as 250 meV/dec.