
Event Details

Expected Delivery Time Analysis for Cognitive Packet Transmission

Presenter: Muneer Usman
Supervisor: Dr. Hong-Chuan Yang

Date: Thu, August 28, 2014
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 230



Cognitive radio transceiver can opportunistically access the underutilized spectrum resource of primary systems for new wireless services. With interleave implementation, the secondary transmission may be interrupted by the primary user's transmission. To facilitate the delay analysis of such secondary transmission for a fixed-size secondary packet, the resulting extended delivery time that includes both transmission time and waiting time has been studied. In particular, the exact distribution functions of extended delivery time of secondary transmission for both continuous sensing and periodic sensing cases have been derived. Selected numerical and simulation results are presented for illustrating the mathematical formulation. Finally, a generalized M/G/1 queue set-up is considered at the secondary user and the closed-form expressions for the expected delay with Poisson traffic are formulated. The analytical results will greatly facilitate the design of the secondary system for particular target application.