
Event Details

Hybrid FSO/RF Transmission and its Performance Analysis

Presenter: Muneer Usman
Supervisor: Dr. Hong-Chuan Yang

Date: Tue, August 26, 2014
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Hybrid free space optical (FSO)/ radio frequency (RF) systems have emerged as a promising solution for high data rate wireless back haul. A switching based transmission scheme for hybrid FSO/RF system is presented and analyzed. Specifically, either FSO or RF link will be active at a certain time instance, with FSO link enjoying a higher priority. Both a single threshold case and a dual threshold case for FSO link operation were considered. Analytical expressions have been obtained for the outage probability, average bit error rate and ergodic capacity for the resulting system. Numerical examples are presented to compare the performance of the hybrid scheme with FSO only scenario.