
Event Details

The Extended Maurer Model: A Formal Framework for Malware and Malware Detection Modeling

Presenter: Mohamed Elgamal
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen W. Neville

Date: Thu, August 14, 2014
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ECS 660



This seminar presents the "extended Maurer model" (EMM), a formal model for the joint reasoning about malware and its detection. The EMM extends the existing Turing-reducible Maurer model to address modern computer constructs of programs, concurrency, multiple processors, and networks, while retaining its Turing-reducibility. Furthermore, the EMM is also shown to formally define a sigma-finite measure space, as required to model malware detection solutions. Hence, through its Turing-reducibility the EMM is shown to be able to model all implementable malware, as defined within a given defended environment, while concurrently, via its measure theory properties, being able to model all implementable malware detection techniques associated with the same defined environment. As such, to our knowledge, the EMM provides the first formal complete model for the joint reasoning about malware and its detection.