
Event Details

Optical tweezers for free-solution label-free single bio-molecule studies

Presenter: Abhay Kotnala
Supervisor: Dr. R. Gordon

Date: Tue, August 12, 2014
Time: 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
Place: ECS 660



Nanoaperture based trapping has developed as a significant tool among the various optical tweezer systems for trapping of very small particles down to the single nanometer range. The double nanohole aperture based trap provides a method for efficient, highly sensitive, label free, low cost, free solution single molecule trapping and detection. We use the DNH tweezer to understand biomolecular phenomena like protein unfolding, binding, structural conformation of DNA, protein-DNA interactions, and protein small molecule interactions.

Note: The talk is also a part of SPIE student chapter activity. Refreshments will be provided.