
Event Details

Improving the Capabilities of Swath Bathymetry Sidescan Sonars

Presenter: Marek Butowski
Supervisor: Dr. Adam Zielinski and Dr. Paul Kraeutner

Date: Tue, April 15, 2014
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: ECS 660



Swath bathymetry sidescan (SBS) sonars are becoming more prevalent in underwater imaging and mapping. SBS systems make use of angle-of-arrival processing applied to an 8-element linear array, and have the capability to produce much higher resolution three dimensional imagery and bathymetry than traditional beamformed approaches. However, the performance of these high resolution systems is limited by signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and they are also susceptible to multipath interference.

This seminar explores two methods for increasing SNR and mitigating multipath interference for SBS systems. The first, binary coded pulse transmission and pulse compression is shown to increase the SNR. The second, transmit beamforming is shown to increase both acoustic power in the water and directivity of the transmitted acoustic radiation.