
Event Details

Single microphone speech enhancement in noisy reverberant environment

Presenter: Saeed Mosayyebpour
Supervisor: Dr. T. A. Gulliver

Date: Tue, January 28, 2014
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 430



Speech signals captured with a distant microphone exhibit reverberation due to reflections off the walls and objects in the room. This blurs the temporal and spectral characteristics of the direct sound. In addition, the received signal is distorted by noise. As a consequence, reverberation and background noise degrade the perceived quality and intelligibility of the received speech signal, which causes serious difficulties in many applications such as hearing aids, hands-free teleconferencing, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), and scene analysis (source localization, tracking or identification). Therefore, the joint suppression of background noise and reverberation effects is of great importance. The main focus of this seminar is briefly studying the problems caused by noise and reverberation followed by the existing methods and our blind approach which is superior in terms of reducing both early and late reverberation effects and noise compared to well known single-microphone techniques in the literature.