
Event Details

Performance of the 3GPP Standard Turbo Codes

Presenter: Yiyi Xu
Supervisor: Prof. T. Aaron Gulliver

Date: Thu, December 5, 2013
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) promotes a smooth transition from 2G networks to 3G networks so as to guarantee the compatibility of future devices. With the help of the 3GPP, it is easier to build networks and roam between different systems. Turbo codes are used for error correction in 3GPP systems. It is a high-performance code developed in 1993. Turbo codes are the first practical codes which were shown to approach the Shannon limit with reasonable complexity. In this talk, the encoding and decoding structures of turbo codes will be introduced, and an overview of the Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) code encoder and the decoding algorithms will be presented. Since the design of turbo code applying to a communication system is based on the analysis of its performances with different parameters, numerical typical simulation results will be also presented to show the performance of turbo codes with different parameters.