
Event Details

Cross-Layer Design for Cooperative Wireless Networking

Presenter: Ning Wang
Supervisor: Dr. T. Aaron Gulliver

Date: Mon, August 26, 2013
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



In this project, we studied cross-layer design for cooperative wireless data communication networks. Based on the characteristics of cooperative wireless communications, and the requirement of Quality-of-Service (QoS) provisioning for data networks, we considered cross-layer system design for cooperative wireless networking. Three major design issues which covered cooperative link establishment, information security of cooperative communications, and cross-layer cooperative transmission scheduling, were investigated. Specifically, we followed the communication procedure in cooperative wireless systems and investigated several cross-layer design problems. Considering the queueing behavior of data buffers at the candidate relays, we studied relay selection from a queue-aware perspective which took into account the queueing systems at both the source and the potential relays. With the cooperative link established, we then studied the secret key establishment problem by cross-layer cooperative discussion. Then cross-layer transmission scheduling was investigated from two perspectives. We first looked at cross-layer adaptive modulation and coding (AMC), which took both the channel condition and traffic intensity into consideration in the scheduling design. A more general queue-aware scheduler state selection mechanism based on buffer queue occupancy was studied, and an optimization by nonlinear integer programming was presented.