
Event Details

Assessming Energy Consumption of Smartphone Apps

Presenter: Mustafa Abousaleh
Supervisor: Dr. T. Darcie and Dr. S. Neville

Date: Tue, August 13, 2013
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Mobile devices are increasingly becoming essentials in people's lives. The advancement in technology and mobility factor are allowing users to utilize mobile devices for communication, entertainment, financial planning, fi tness tracking, etc. purposes. As a result, mobile applications are also becoming important factors contributing to user utility. However, battery capacity is the limiting factor impacting the quality of user experience. Hence, it is imperative to understand how much energy impact do mobile apps have on the system relative to other device activities. This thesis presents a systematic way of studying the energy impact of mobile apps features. Time-series global electrical current measurements are collected from 4 different modern smartphone devices. Statistical analysis methodologies are used to calculate the energy impact of each app feature by identifying and extracting mobile app features events from the overall current signal. Results are presented for each of the four mobile devices.