
Event Details

Uncertainties and the Verification and Validation of Simulations

Presenter: Hugh W. Coleman - University of Alabama in Huntsville

Date: Tue, July 17, 2001
Time: 11:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 230



An approach to code verification and validation will be discussed which properly takes into account uncertainties in the prediction as well as those in the experimental data. Verification is a process for assessing simulation numerical uncertainty, while validation is a process for assessing simulation modeling uncertainty by using benchmark experimental data and, when conditions permit, estimating the sign and magnitude of the modeling error itself.

This approach was developed in collaboration with Professor Fred Stern of the University of Iowa in a research program sponsored by the U.S. Office of Naval Research to move research CFD codes into the design process for the next generation of naval surface ships. Examples of validation results for simulations of flow through a marine propulsor and of flow around a surface ship will be shown.