
Event Details

Line Networks With Erasure Codes And Network Coding

Presenter: Yang Song
Supervisor: Dr. Xiaodai Dong

Date: Mon, August 20, 2012
Time: 14:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Wireless sensor network plays a significant role in the design of future Smart Grid, mainly for the purpose of environment monitor, data acquisition and remote control. Sensors deployed on the utility poles on the power transmission line are used to collect environment information and send them to the substations for analysis and management. However, the transmission is suffered from erasures and errors along the transmission channels. In this work, we consider a line network model and first analyze several different erasure codes in the terms of overhead and encoding/decoding costs, followed by proposing two different coding schemes for our line network. To deal with both erasures and errors, we combine the erasure codes and the traditional error control codes, where an RS code is used as an outer codes in addition to the erasure codes. Furthermore, an adaptive RS coding scheme is proposed to optimize the overall coding efficiency over all SNR regions. In the end, we apply network coding with error correction of network errors and erasures and examine our model from the mathematical perspective.