
Event Details

Finite-state Markov Modeling for Wireless Cooperative Diversity System

Presenter: Yuanqian Luo
Supervisor: Dr. Lin Cai

Date: Tue, August 21, 2012
Time: 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Finite-state Markov chain (FSMC) models can capture the essence of time-varying fading channels and they are important tools for wireless network performance analysis and simulation. How to build FSMC models for multi-hop and multi-path wireless systems remains an open issue. In this work, the FSMC models are developed for amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative systems with selection combining (SC) and maximum ratio combining (MRC) techniques, respectively. First, the second order statistics, the level-crossing rate (LCR) and average fade duration (AFD), are derived based on the statistical properties of each individual path, for the AF cooperative systems with SC and MRC, respectively. The results reveal that, in addition to improving the average received SNR, the diversity combining schemes also improve its second-order statistical properties. Simulation results are given to verify the accuracy of the developed FSMC models. Finally, the models are used to optimize the configuration for scalable video streaming in an AF cooperative diversity system. Experimental results show the feasibility and advantage of applying the proposed FSMC models for assisting cross-layer design and optimization in wireless cooperative systems.