
Event Details

Comparison of Arc-Annotated Sequences

Presenter: Dr. Guo-Hui Lin - Computer Science Department, University of Waterloo - Faculty Applicant
Supervisor: R. Nigel Horspool, Chair, Department of Computer Science

Date: Thu, January 25, 2001
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:00:00
Place: Engineering Office Wing Building (EOW), Room # 430



One way of representing functional structures of bimolecular sequences is to annotate the sequences at locations where the local sub units have the specified biochemical functions. For example, $\alpha$-helix, $\beta$-sheet, and {\em coil} (loop and turn), are three important types of secondary structures in globular proteins; and base-pair is important in RNA secondary structure. The ability to compare such annotated sequences thus becomes one of the major subjects in Bio informatics. A better comparison method gives better sequence alignments, which would facilitate more accurate structure prediction and function determination. In this talk, we will review some approaches proposed in the literature for comparing arc-annotated sequences and present recent results on a new approach that takes functional local structures as sub units and allows them to be broken at certain costs.