
Event Details

Haptic Rendered Practice Carillon

Presenter: Dr. Fazel Naghdy - Professor School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia

Date: Tue, July 10, 2012
Time: 11:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



The development of a haptic rendered device emulating the sonic and the tactile dynamics of a carillon, specifically the National Carillon in Canberra, Australia, is presented. The carillon is one of only a few instruments that elicit a sophisticated haptic response from the amateur and professional player alike. Force-feedback varies widely across the range of the instrument and developing an intuition for the heaviness of different bells is a critical part of carillon pedagogy. Unfortunately, rehearsal time available to individual carillonneurs is limited by competition from other carillonneurs and environmental factors like civic noise limits and carillon maintenance schedules. Rehearsal instruments do exist but they do not accurately display the haptic dynamics of the real carillon.

Like the piano keyboard, the velocity of a player's impact on each carillon key, or baton, affects the quality of the resultant tone; unlike the piano, each carillon baton returns a different force-feedback. Force-feedback varies widely from one baton to the next across the entire range of the instrument and with further idiosyncratic variation from one instrument to another.

During the presentation, the haptic modeling of the carillon will be described and the performance of a prototype key of the carillon developed in this study will be demonstrated.

For further information, contact
Pan Agathoklis (250 721 8618 pan@ece.uvic.ca)