
Event Details

A Flexible Mesh-Generation Strategy for Image Representation Based on Data-Dependent Triangulation

Presenter: Ping Li
Supervisor: Dr. Michael Adams

Date: Wed, May 2, 2012
Time: 14:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Data-dependent triangulation (DDT) based mesh-generation schemes for image representation are studied. A flexible mesh-generation framework and a highly effective mesh-generation method that employs this framework are proposed.

The proposed framework is derived from frameworks proposed by Rippa and Garland and Heckbert by making a number of key modifications to facilitate the development of much more effective mesh-generation methods. As the proposed framework has several free parameters, the effects of different choices of these parameters on mesh quality (both in terms of squared error and subjectively) are studied, leading to the recommendation of a particular set of choices for these parameters. A new mesh-generation method is then introduced that employs the proposed framework with these best parameter choices.

Experimental results show our proposed mesh-generation method outperforms several competing approaches, namely, the DDT-based incremental scheme proposed by Garland and Heckbert, the COMPRESS scheme proposed by Rippa, and the adaptive thinning scheme proposed by Demaret and Iske. More specifically, in terms of PSNR, our proposed method was found to outperform these three schemes by median margins of 4.1 dB, 10.76 dB, and 0.83 dB, respectively. The subjective qualities of reconstructed images were also found to be correspondingly better. In terms of computational cost, our proposed method was found to be comparable to the schemes proposed by Garland and Heckbert and Rippa. Moreover, our proposed method requires only about 5 to 10% of the time of the scheme proposed by Demaret and Iske. In terms of memory cost, our proposed method was shown to require essentially same amount of memory as the schemes proposed by Garland and Heckbert and Rippa, and orders of magnitude (33 to 800 times) less memory than the scheme proposed by Demaret and Iske.