
Event Details

Finite Volume Method in Electromagnetics

Presenter: Mahbubeh Esmaeili
Supervisor: Dr. Jens Bornemann

Date: Fri, April 13, 2012
Time: 10:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Time domain techniques are being increasingly employed to solve the Maxwell's equations due to greater flexibility in dealing with broad-band signals and diverse material properties. One of the relatively newborn time domain methods in the electromagnetic area is the Finite Volume Time Domain (FVTD) technique which is based on solving the time-domain Maxwell's equations in the conservative form.

The ability of the finite volume technique to deal with complex geometries, due to an unstructured finite volume discretization, is a major advantage of the FVTD over traditional time domain technique, the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD), which is based on structured (Cartesian) grids.

Though there is not still any commercial software using the FVTD, the recent conducted researches on this method show the power and accuracy of the FVTD in solving scattering problems, antenna modeling and radiation, cavity structures, waveguide discontinuities, and analyzing small structures in the close vicinity of large ones.

In this talk we present the mathematical background of the FVTD and its basic concepts like spatial and time discretization, consistency and stability, and then we make a comparison between the FVTD and the FDTD in details.

We also present the robustness of the FVTD in the electromagnetic area by showing some practical examples in electromagnetics which have been solved by this method, and the results have been validated by comparing with those obtained from other numerical techniques.