
Event Details

Grandma meets Kolmogorov, The T-Transformation of Strings and Beyond

Presenter: Niko Rebenich
Supervisor: Dr. Stephen W. Neville

Date: Thu, March 29, 2012
Time: 13:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430


Keywords: information theory, string complexity, information distances, computer security, malware, mobile computing, Android.

You are invited to an interesting seminar introducing some new and fast ways to measure, uncover, and relate information in strings.

Niko is giving this seminar as part of his M.A.Sc. degree and his work in the Information Security and Privacy Research Lab at the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø. He has given a well received talk on the subject before, so if you are interested in "+1"-ing your seminar count, and don't want to be bored in the process, this might be just your chance.

What Niko had to say about his talk:

    My seminar is held very hands on and non-technical. No background in information theory is required and, sorry to disappoint some of you, there won't be a whole lot of math.

    I will introduce a new string decomposition algorithm that I call the Fast Low Memory T-Transform or "FLOTT" for short. I will demonstrate with some real world examples how a suite of FLOTT derived information measures can be used as a visual aid in data mining processes.

    The examples presented are a fairly recent application targeted to enhance the security within Android App Stores, but the demonstrated techniques are applicable to a much broader selection of research areas ranging from event detection, time series analysis, bioinformatics, similarity measurements, to plagiarism detection.

I hope to see you on March 29th at 1:00 p.m. in EOW 430.
Thanks for coming out!