
Event Details

Shaping the Near-Field with Resonant Metal Nanostructures

Presenter: Lan Zhao
Supervisor: Dr. Reuven Gordon

Date: Thu, April 5, 2012
Time: 16:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Metal nanostructures, with their extraordinary optical properites, have attracted great attention in recent years. Subwavelength-scaled metal elements, without involving array e ects, have unique ability to con ne or route light at the nano-scale. In this thesis, we provide three topics relating to the manipulation of light using metal nanostructures. We rst present a theory to solve the end-face reflection of a subwavelength metal stripe, which is bene cial to the design of optical resonator antennas. Subsequently, we take the advantage of the destructive interference among triple nano-slits to sharpen the focus beam in the near-fi eld at near-infrared wavelengths, which is of interest to the study of near- eld optical phase imaging and lithography. Lastly, we demonstrate a rectangular subwavelength aperture quad to convert linearly polarized radiation to a radially polarized beam, which is useful to create a deep-subwavelength focus and for optical trapping.