
Event Details

Fast Modular Multiplier Supporting Multiple Standard Prime Fields

Presenter: Hamad Alrimeih
Supervisor: Dr. Daler N. Rakhmatov

Date: Thu, March 1, 2012
Time: 14:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Modular multiplications are the key operations in a variety of computationally-intensive cryptographic applications. One of the most critical objectives of a modular multiplier design is high performance. It also desirable for a modular multiplier to offer a certain degree of flexibility, supporting multiplications over finite fields of varying size. Since larger fields enable stronger encryption but at an increased computational costs, the user can exploit such flexibility to switch between finite fields of different sizes depending on the relative importance of cryptographic versus performance requirements.

We present a fast and flexible modular multiplier over five prime fields GF(p), where the five special primes p are of size 192, 224, 256, 384, and 521 bits. These prime fields have been standardized by NIST, allow for fast modular reduction schemes, and are widely used in elliptic curve cryptography. While our multiplier compares favorably against other designs reported in the literature, its practical usefulness is ultimately determined by the user's needs for restricted multi-field modular arithmetic over standard prime fields.

For Further Information Please Contact:
Hamad Alrimeih, ha@ece.uvic.ca