
Event Details

Iterative Identification and Control Design

Presenter: Prof. Pedro Albertos - IFAC President, Dept. of Systems Engineering and Control, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Date: Mon, June 4, 2001
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Modeling, identification and control design are usually treated separately in the control field. The modeling is based on physical principles. The identification is performed on an actual plant, but not necessarily under normal operating conditions. And, the control is designed assuming a plant model under operating conditions. But the final goal is the control of the plant and any action should be directed to this end. The approach to be developed in this talk is based on a coordinated effort, from data to control design, either off-line and on-line, by refinements or by specific tools.

Some of the basic principles are outlined in this introductory talk using, as an example, a plant with high frequency almost-resonant modes. It is very difficult to get a reliable model to design the suitable control. High gains at low frequencies and the presence of noise mask their influence, which appears if large bandwidths are required. For that purpose, an iterative identification/control-design technique is proposed. Two different control design approaches are considered: cancellation and generalized predictive controllers (GPC). The techniques used to illustrate the approach are very simple, step response and signal spectrum analysis. The results obtained for two academic examples point out the possibilities of this approach. The selection of the sampling period, in digital controllers, is also discussed.

For Further Information Contact:
Dr. Nikitas Dimopoulos (721 8902)