
Event Details

Snapshot phase measurement for micro & nano regimes based on carrier frequency concept

Presenter: Dr. Daesuk Kim - Chonbuk National University (Korea)

Date: Mon, February 27, 2012
Time: 15:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



We describe a new digital holographic configuration that can be utilized for both single-shot dual-wavelength off-axis geometry and imaging polarimetry. For getting the feasibility of the single-shot dual-wavelength off-axis geometry, a sample with a nominal step height of 1.34 is used. And also, the experiment is conducted on a nanopattern sample on the basis of a single image acquisition for showing the imaging polarimetry capability. The proposed scheme can provide a real time solution for measuring three-dimensional (3D) objects having high abrupt height difference with moderate accuracy. Furthermore, it can be used as a fast polarization imaging measurement tool.

Spectroscopic ellipsometry is one of the most important measurement schemes used in the optical nano-metrology for not only thin film measurement but also nano pattern 3D structure measurement. We propose a novel snap shot phase sensitive normal incidence spectroscopic ellipsometic scheme based on a double-channel spectral carrier frequency concept. The proposed method can provide both ψ(λ) and Δ(λ) only by using two spectra acquired simultaneously through the double spectroscopic channels. We show that the proposed scheme works well experimentally by measuring a binary grating with nano size 3D structure. We claim that the proposed scheme can provide a snapshot spectroscopic ellipsometric parameter measurement capability with moderate accuracy.


Daesuk Kim received his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology in 2002. He was a postdoctoral associate at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Connecticut in USA until 2004. Also, he worked for Samsung Electronics in 2007. From May 2007 to April 2011, he worked as an assistant professor at the Division of Mechanical System Engineering at Chonbuk National University(CBNU) in Korea. Now, he is working as an associate professor at CBNU. For the last 15 years, his major interests have been in opto-mechatronics for micro nano regimes which includes real time phase sensitive optical metrology, 3D imaging and display, opto-electronic devices such as high brightness LED and ultra-precision actuation systems. Recently, he is focusing on single shot based phase measurement fields containing new concepts on digital holography and ellipsometry. He has not only a diverse academic background but also strong industrial experiences associated with IT and BT industries.

For further information please contact:
Dr. Reuven Gordon (250 721-5179 / email: rgordon@ece.uvic.ca