
Event Details

Making Formal V&V of Mission-critical systems more Cost-effective using the PrUDE Tool Suite

Presenter: Issa Traore, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø

Date: Fri, August 3, 2001
Time: 13:30:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 430


In the new Internet economy shorter time-to-market has replaced quality has the primary goal of most software development organizations. However, in organizations dealing with critical systems involving human life and sensitive information, higher quality re-mains the main concern. For these organizations, rigorous verification and validation (V&V) of the software products is essential. We present in this talk, an automated plat-form that combines in a cost-effective way the strength of formal reasoning techniques with traditional V&V techniques such as testing and informal design review. The plat-form is based on a subset of the UML to which a formal semantics has been assigned in the PVS specification language.