
Event Details

Wireless Secret Key Generation Versus Capable adversaries

Presenter: Masoud Ghoreishi Madiseh, PhD candidate

Date: Fri, December 9, 2011
Time: 09:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Wireless key generation (WKG) based on channel characterization measurements has gained significant interest as a pragmatic mechanism for providing information theoretic secure point-to-point wireless communications. The security of these solutions hinges on the presumed inability of any eavesdropper, Eve, to either deduce the generated key or collapse the key space to one that can be tractably searched. Information theory guarantees the existence of WKG solutions, but implementation issues can significantly reduce the achievable secrecy rates and, in the worst-cases, render the generated key knowable to Eve. Existing works have assessed WKG implementation solutions from the context of relatively incapable eavesdroppers (i.e. those without access to antenna arrays, knowledge of more advanced communications or signal processing theory, etc. ). This work assesses WKG security in the context of capable eavesdroppers and, more particularly, an eavesdropper with capabilities far above that of any likely real-word eavesdropper.