
Event Details

Node Reclamation and Replacement for Long-lived Sensor Networks

Presenter: Dr. Grace (Guiling) Wang, Associate Professor, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Supervisor: IEEE

Date: Mon, October 17, 2011
Time: 14:30:00 - 00:00:00
Place: ECS 660



Energy constraint has been one basic problem for sensor networks and many energy conservation schemes have been proposed to address the problem. However, the schemes are inherently restrained by the amount of energy preloaded to sensor nodes. The schemes can only slow down the energy consumption but cannot solve the energy problem fundamentally. We propose a node reclamation and replacement strategy, where a mobile robot or human labor periodically reclaim sensors with low or no energy and replace them with sensor nodes with full energy. In this talk, I will present a two-tier scheduling scheme and a staircase-based scheduling model to implement the reclamation and replacement strategy.


Dr. Grace (Guiling) Wang received her BS degree from Nankai University, China. She received the PhD degree in Computer Science and Engineering and a minor in Statistics from the Pennsylvania State University in May 2006. She is currently an associate professor in the Computer Science Department at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. Her research interests include network security, wireless networks and mobile computing, with a focus on wireless sensor networks.

For further information, contact:
Dr. Lin Cai (721-8691, cai@ece.uvic.ca)