
Event Details

Image Representation Using Triangle Meshes with Explicit Discontinuities

Presenter: Xi Tu
Supervisor: Dr. Michael D. Adams

Date: Mon, September 26, 2011
Time: 13:30:00 - 14:30:00
Place: EOW 430



Mesh modelling is an effective geometric representation of images. Although many mesh generation methods have been proposed up to date, many of them do not take image discontinuities into consideration. In this seminar, a new mesh model for images, which explicitly represents discontinuities (i.e., image edges), is proposed along with two corresponding mesh-generation methods that select the model parameters for a given input image. The mesh model is based on constrained Delaunay triangulation, where the constrained edges correspond to image edges. One of the proposed mesh generation methods employs error diffusion (ED) scheme of Yang et al. to sample points that are not on the constrained edges. The other one is an iterative approach, in which greedy point insertion (GPI) scheme is employed to insert one point in to the constrained DT in each iteration until a certain number of points is reached. The parameters affect the quality of image approximations produced are discussed in detail. We also evaluate the performance of our proposed methods by comparing the quality of the results with those produced by the popular ED and GPI scheme, respectively.