
Event Details

Reflection for Subwavelength Annular Mode in Metals

Presenter: Dan Li
Supervisor: Dr. Reuven Gordon

Date: Thu, July 28, 2011
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: ECS 660



In this presentation, we study the resonance properties of a coaxial aperture in a PEC and in a real metal. We develop theor for reflection phase and amplitude in coaxial aperture at the end of a metal plate. While most of the past works of coaxial aperture focused on the propagation of light within the aperture structure and ignore the reflection at end-face,we find that the reflection properties at the end-face are critical to determine both the wavelength and quality of Fabry-Perot resonant transmission of coaxial structure. Finite-difference time-domain calculations agree well with our theory.This work is of interest to ongoing studies of coaxial structures in metal films, which could impact many fields including filter effect, optical sensing, optical trapping, near-field spectroscopy and metamaterials.