
Event Details

Cross-layer modeling of wireless ad hoc networks in the presence of channel noise

Presenter: khalid Khayyat
Supervisor: Prof. Fayez Gebali

Date: Thu, April 21, 2011
Time: 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Place: EOW 230



This talk discusses a new analytical model of a MAC layer for wireless ad hoc networks that takes into account channel bit errors and frame retry limits for a two-way handshaking mechanism. This model offers flexibility to address design issues such as the effects of traffic parameters and possible improvements for wireless ad hoc networks. We illustrate that an important parameter affecting the performance of binary exponential backoff is the initial backoff window size. We show that for a low bit error rate (BER) the throughput increases and, at the same time, the delay and the average energy to transmit the frame decrease. Results show also that the negative acknowledgment-based (NAK-based) model proves more useful for a high BER.