
Event Details

Analytical modelling and performance analysis for wireless ad-hoc networks using four-way handshaking mechanism

Presenter: khalid Khayyat
Supervisor: Prof. Fayez Gebali

Date: Wed, April 20, 2011
Time: 12:00:00 - 13:00:00
Place: EOW 430



This talk discusses a new analytical model of a Medium Access Control (MAC) layer for wireless ad hoc networks that takes into account frame retry limits for a four-way handshaking mechanism. This model offers flexibility to address some design issues such as the effects of traffic parameters as well as possible improvements for wireless ad hoc networks. It effectively captures important network performance characteristics such as throughput, channel utilization, delay, and average energy. Under this analytical framework, we evaluate the effect of the Request-to-Send (RTS) state on unsuccessful transmission probability and its effect on performance particularly when the hidden terminal problem is dominant, the traffic is heavy, or the data frame length is very large. By using our proposed model, we show that the probability of collision can be reduced when using a Request-to-Send/Clear-to-Send (RTS/CTS) mechanism. Thus, the throughput increases and, at the same time, the delay and the average energy to transmit the frame decrease.