
Event Details

Wireless Network on China High-Speed Rail

Presenter: A delegate from Beijing Jiaotong Univeresity (BJTU)

Date: Thu, December 2, 2010
Time: 09:30:00 - 10:30:00
Place: ECS 660


China is building the world's largest and fastest high-speed rail networks, providing commercial train services with an average speed of 200km/h or higher (the record is 416.6km/h during a trial run this September). By 2012, China will have a high-speed rail network of 13,000km.

"On October 26, the first day of Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway opening, China Telecom announced that, although the top speed of Shanghai-Hangzhou high-speed railway is 352 km/h, Tianyi 3G Live TV has been realized in the high-speed carriage, which rewrite the record of wireless network speed on China's fastest high-speed railway." ()

A delegate from Beijing Jiaotong Univeresity (BJTU), led by Prof. Zhong, Zhangdui, the Chief Scientist of the State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, and Prof. Tan, Zhenghui, ex-President of BJTU, will visit UVic on Dec. 2 (Thursday), 2010. They will give a talk to introduce

  1. wireless communication systems for high speed railway,
  2. broadband mobile communications in China, and
  3. the wireless communication research groups in BJTU.

All are welcome to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

For further information please contact: Dr. Lin Cai
Phone: (250) 721-8691
Email: cai@ece.uvic.ca