
Event Details

Audio Signal Processing Methods for Sound Localization and Event Detection

Presenter: Dr. Farook Sattar - Associate Professor, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya

Date: Tue, November 30, 2010
Time: 13:00:00 - 14:00:00
Place: EOW 430



This presentation will address two topics of sound localization and event detection. For sound localization, a new algorithm will be introduced for hearing protectors. Users of the existing hearing protectors experience distorted information, or in the worst case, directional information may not be perceived at all. The users of these hearing protectors may therefore incur serious safety risks. The proposed algorithm improves the directional information for users of hearing protectors by enhancing impulsive sounds using interaural level difference (ILD). This ILD enhancement is achieved by incorporating a new gain function. Illustrative examples and performance measures are presented.

For event detection, a new algorithm will be presented for the detection of event signals in background noise. This adaptive method is based on the variations of predictability measured in terms of short-term and long-term Autoregressive (AR) averaging. It is found that the proposed method provides promising results for noisy and highly correlated real hydrophone data. Some preprocessing steps involved for improving the performance will also be discussed.


Dr. Sattar received his PhD and Technical Licentiate from Lund University, Sweden and his MEng and BEng from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. His current research interests include signal and image processing for biomedicine and multimedia.

For Further Information Contact: Dr. P.F. Driessen 250 721 8688 / email: peter@ece.uvic.ca