
Event Details

Automatic Highlight Detection in Broadcasted Soccer Videos

Presenter: Luiz Gabriel Vasconcelos - R & D Department, TV Globo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Date: Thu, September 30, 2010
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Recent developments in capture, storage and retrieval of video have resulted in substantially increasing the availability of sports-related multimedia. Further, content providers have expanded the type and number of sporting events that are available for broadcasting from around the world in response to a significant increase in audience's interests. Together, these trends point to the necessity for the development of efficient and effective tools to identify highlights in these events and thus reduce viewers' and companies' efforts in searching for what interests them. An algorithm for automatic detection of event highlights in videos of soccer matches is under development. In the proposed algorithm, audio and video features such as voice energy and fundamental frequency of the narrator, dominant colour and shot-type of the frame are analyzed. Then, these audio and video features feed an AdaBoost-based classifier to identify the highlights of the soccer match. Preliminary results will be presented.