
Event Details

2D and 3D Visualization of Data from Underwater Sensors

Presenter: Dr. Marek Moszynski - Associate Dean Of Research, Faculty of Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland

Date: Fri, August 6, 2010
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:00:00
Place: EOW 430



The seminar considers some problems that require interdisciplinary knowledge, i.e. informatics and underwater acoustics. Starting from well-known GIS systems dedicated for marine acousticians, we will show how to construct a Marine Web-GIS that fulfills the Open GIS Consortium standards and is ready for modern 2D and 3D visualization of data collected by different underwater sensors.

In particular, the problem of near real-time visualization in a geographic context is considered for the case of displaying layer data coming also from other non-acoustic sensors. The dedicated data compression techniques are presented for optimal transmission of data acquired by a multibeam sonar system.


Dr. Marek Moszynski graduated from the Gdansk University of Technology in 1988. Over the next 10 years, he conducted research at the Department of Computer Architecture at the Gdansk University of Technology. He was involved in developing dedicated software for estimating fish abundance from data acquired in acoustic surveys. He completed his PhD in 1997 and habilitation in 2006, solving the problem of inverse estimation of fish target strength. He was co-organizer of the Geo-informatics Department in 2004. Since 2008, he has been Associate Dean of Research at the Faculty of Engineering.

For further information, please contact:
Dr. A. Zielinski (250) 721-8622 / email: adam@ece.uvic.ca