
Event Details

Microwave Detection of Breast Cancer: Antenna Characterization and Selection

Presenter: Elise Fear

Date: Mon, April 9, 2001
Time: 11:00:00 - 00:00:00
Place: EOW 430



Confocal microwave imaging (CMI) is a recently introduced method of breast tumor detection. CMI involves illumination of the breast with an ultra-wideband signal, which requires design of an appropriate antenna. This talk reviews standard methods of antenna characterization, and modifications for ultra-wideband antennas. Performance criteria for the imaging application are presented. Antennas appropriate for radiating ultra-wideband signals are discussed, and rationale provided for the selection of 4 designs for further investigation. The finite difference time domain method is used to simulate the performance of each design. Each antenna is characterized with the methods described earlier in the talk. Evaluation with the performance criteria allows for selection of the most appropriate of the tested designs for further investigation. For rapid data acquisition, the presence of multiple antennas is desirable. The feasibility of multiple antennas is explored with the selected design.