
Event Details

3-D Space-Time Digital Filtering of the Radio Astronomical Signals Using FIR Cone Filters

Presenter: Chamira Edussooriya
Supervisor: Pan Agathoklis

Date: Fri, January 15, 2010
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 430



The next generation radio telescopes such as Square Kilometre Array (SKA) are required to achieve unprecedented levels of sensitivity making the necessity of sophisticated techniques to mitigate the radio frequency interference (RFI) signals and suppress mutually coupled (MC) signals on dense antenna arrays comprised of aperture arrays (AAs) and focal plane arrays (FPAs). Here, a numerical analysis of the effect of the array size of antennas, number of temporal samples, and the bandwidth of the signals of interest (SOIs) on the performance of the 3-D space-time (ST) filtering using FIR cone filters is presented. The performance of the filters are evaluated under two signal compositions: strong RFI condition and dominant LNA noise condition, using synthesized broadband (BB) signals.

It is shown that the performance of the filtering using FIR cone filters depends on the array size, number of temporal samples and the bandwidth of SOIs for FPAs under both signal compositions and, for AAs when the LNA noise is dominant. For the case of strong RFI condition, only the array size of an AA affects for the performance of the filtering and the effects of the number of temporal samples and the bandwidth of SOIs are almost negligible.