
Event Details

Enhanced Target Detection in High Frequency Surface Wave Radar

Presenter: Xiaoli Lu, Ph.D. Candidate
Supervisor: Dr. R. Lynn Kirlin & Dr. Adam Zielinski

Date: Wed, December 2, 2009
Time: 15:30:00 - 16:30:00
Place: EOW 430



The small target detection in High Frequency Surface Wave Radar is limited by the presence of various clutter and interference. In this talk, we concentrate on several issues existed in HFSWR system and introduce the novel signal processing techniques developed accordingly.

Issue One: As external interference due to local lightning, impulsive noise increases the broadband noise level and then precludes the targets from detection.

Issue Two: The existence of non-stationary sea clutter and ionospheric clutter can result in excessive false alarm rate through the high sidelobe level in adaptive beamforming.

Issue Three: In current system, CA-CFAR is used to detect targets in air mode while OS-CFAR is used to detect targets in ship mode. Due to the complex cluster distribution, how to improve the detection probability under the predefined false alarm rate is one important topic to study.

Issue Four: The conventional Doppler processing has difficulty to recognize a target if its frequency is close to a Bragg line. Time-domain feature can be explored to address this co-located co-channel resolvability problem.