
Event Details

Performance analysis of reservation- and contention-based Hybrid-MAC for wireless networks

Presenter: Ruonan Zhang, Ph.D. Candidate
Supervisor: Dr. Lin Cai

Date: Mon, December 7, 2009
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Place: EOW 430



As wireless channels are broadcast in nature, media access control (MAC) is used to coordinate the network stations to share the medium efficiently and fairly. The emerging wireless network standards, such as IEEE 802.15.3 and WiMedia ECMA-368, have adopted a Hybrid-MAC protocol which divides the channel time into reservation and contention periods and uses reservation- and contention-based channel access alternatively. Hybrid-MAC can provide satisfactory quality-of-service (QoS) to multimedia applications by resource reservation, and also achieve high channel utilization by multiplexing gain in the contention periods. However, how to evaluate and optimize the contention-based channel access in Hybrid-MAC are important, open issues. In this talk, we introduce the analytical models of the Hybrid-MAC with saturated and unsaturated stations. Based on the mean value analysis approach, the proposed models give the average frame service time and the throughput for the contention-based channel access with presence of the reserved channel time. Furthermore, the performance of different contention strategies is compared. The presented analytical models provide in-depth insight on the Hybrid-MAC and they are also applicable to on-line admission control due to the low computational complexity.