
Event Details

Application of Metallic Nanostructures in Biosensors

Presenter: Fatemeh Eftekhari
Supervisor: Dr. Reuven Gordon

Date: Thu, October 8, 2009
Time: 14:00:00 - 15:00:00
Place: EOW 230


Abstract - Plasmonic nanostructures are receiving a great deal of attention for their possible applications. The development of novel methods for nanostructure fabrication and new theoretical approaches for the understanding of their optical properties is making the field of nanophotonics an area of intense current interest. In this work, surface plasmons properties are investigated chemical/biological sensors. Different metallic nanostructures with biosensors applications are studied. We demonstrated surface plasmon resonance sensing based on the polarization dependence of extraordinary optical transmission through a biaxial nanohole array. The usual spectral diversity of spectrometer-based sensing is replaced with polarization diversity while using a single wavelength laser source and a single array. Furthermore, after a substantial fabrication effort to create nanohole array platform, we demonstrated flow-through nanohole arrays as combined nanoplasmonic and nanofluidic elements. In this work, the fluid is flowed through the holes and shows a six-fold improvement in the binding rate for low concentration samples. This exhibits many features that are particularly promising for sensing technologies.