
Event Details

Improved Second Harmonic Generation Efficiency through Nanostructures

Presenter: Fatemeh Eftekhari
Supervisor: Dr. Reuven Gordon

Date: Thu, October 8, 2009
Time: 10:00:00 - 11:00:00
Place: EOW 430


Abstract - The optical properties of metallic nanostructures are a subject of considerable fundamental and technological importance due to their coupling to surface plasmons. It has been shown that metal nanostructures have a unique ability to increase the local field intensity by several orders of magnitude. In this work, surface plasmons properties are investigated for nonlinear optics. Optical second harmonic generation from a non-centrosymmetric nanostructure in gold film is studied comprehensively where aperture shape is chosen to have an apex to increase the local field. A systematic study of the influence of array periodicity and aperture shape is provided. The conditions for maximum SHG are discussed in terms of local field enhancement, excitation of the localized surface plasmon resonances and the influence of array periodicity.