
Event Details

Time Domain Models of Negative Rerfractive Index Metamaterials

Presenter: Dr. Poman So - Senior Research Engineer, Computational Electromagnetics Research Laboratory, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø, Victoria, BC

Date: Thu, April 21, 2005
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 430



The physics and wave properties of materials with negative refractive index have been studied extensively in recent years. However, computationally efficient numerical models for such media are not readily available to designers who wish to create novel components that incorporate such materials. In addition to being numerically efficient and robust, these models must incorporate the dispersive behavior of the refractive index and the wave impedance of metamaterials as well as allow for the imposition of realistic boundary geometries and properties. Two novel time-domain transmission line matrix models with the aforementioned capabilities have been developed at the Computational Electromagnetics Research Laboratory at UVic. The resulting periodic structures support backward waves and constitute an artificial medium with negative phase velocity and negative refractive index. Since the transmission line models are realizable, they also provide a framework for the actual realization of two- and three-dimensional metamaterials. I will cover the theoretical foundations for the models and show some validating simulation results that demonstrate their capabilities and potential.

For Further Information Contact
Dr. P. Agathoklis (721-8618)