
Event Details

Power Quality Issues on Shipboard Power Systems

Presenter: Dr. T. Ortmeyer - Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Clarkson University (Potsdam, New York)

Date: Thu, April 7, 2005
Time: 14:30:00 - 15:30:00
Place: EOW 430



Modern naval ships increasingly employ electric propulsion systems, and also have expanding ship service loads. There are definite advantages to electric propulsion and to integrating the propulsion and ship service prime movers. This does, however, raise numerous power quality issues. This talk discusses the results of recent studies into 4 power quality issues: stray current flow at the pwm frequencies, inverter loadability, generator grounding issues, and the use of a variable voltage, variable frequency propulsion system to improve performance and accommodate pulsed loads. The talk will focus on the technical issues, as well as the broader issues involved in the development of these systems.

Thomas H. Ortmeyer received his BS, MS and PhD degrees from Iowa State University. He has been a member of the faculty of electrical and computer engineering at Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY, since 1979, and is currently Professor and Chair of the ECE Department there. He has also spent time at Commonwealth Edison Company, NASA Lewis Research Lab, Wright Aeronautical Labs, and Kumamoto University. His research interests include power quality and power distribution applications of power electronic converters. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, and a member of ASEE.

For Further Information Contact
Dr. M. Miller (721-8611)